Jobs & Economic Opportunity

From his very first days in Congress, Stephen has focused on ensuring that residents from the 8th have access to good paying jobs and he’s working every day to create and expand opportunities for all to succeed.

Stephen knows that our working families face great challenges. Wages are stagnant, there are constant attacks on collective bargaining, efforts to weaken retirement security and a system that favors corporations over the working people that ensure their success. Stephen believes that our economy should strengthen our country for every American, not just those at the top.

He has fought against unfair trade deals that hurt American workers and will work to crack down on companies that ship profits and jobs overseas. He has worked to ensure that the terms of trade deals are designed to create American jobs and raise wages here, while also ensuring that critical domestic environmental, consumer, and other public interest safeguards would not be undermined by the terms of any trade deals. He is fighting for equal pay and paid leave, increasing the minimum wage and working to ensure that the wealthiest citizens and largest corporations pay their fair share. 

Bringing to Congress the perspective of someone who worked for nearly 20 years as an Ironworker, Stephen knows that strong worker protections and fair labor practices created America’s middle class.

Ensuring that workers are not forgotten in the Halls of Congress, Stephen founded and continues to co-chair the Congressional Labor and Working Families Caucus to work with his colleagues on issues that are important to American’s working men and women. 

In Congress, Stephen worked to pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that created more than 2 million jobs, invested in our infrastructure, and cut tax rates for 95% of American families. As a member of the Financial Services Committee, Stephen helped to craft the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to create consumer protections, end government bail-outs of the financial system and introduce transparency and accountability for shadowy financial markets. 

Stephen voted against the massive bank bail-out that rewarded unscrupulous banking executives and failed to hold any one of them accountable. 

He has worked with his colleagues on numerous bills to help working families succeed and has also co-sponsored legislation to assist struggling pension plans for Americans who face financial uncertainty at a time when they cannot return to work.

Stephen understands that critical improvements to our infrastructure will not only create and support good paying jobs, but will also strengthen the climate change resiliency of our infrastructure and help our economy. As New England’s senior member of the Transportation Committee, he’s working hard on a transportation and infrastructure bill which will create millions of good-paying jobs.

 As your Congressman, Stephen will continue to support policies that strengthen our economy, grow our middle class and help America’s working families.

Commuter Rail conductors will not be furloughed after all, Rep. Stephen Lynch says “They have reconsidered their decision.”

Boston Globe By Christopher Gavin The MBTA has opted not to proceed with the indefinite furlough of 40 commuter rail conductors and assistant conductors as previously planned, Congressman Stephen Lynch says. The reversal came after Lynch, earlier this week,...

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